The postal site in which the Oscar ballots had been mislaid was also in Bell.
The Oscars adopted other conservation measures this year, such as using recycled paper for the Oscar ballots.
But two weeks ago, just after the mailing of the final Oscar ballots, which are due on Tuesday, a fresh wave of whispers erupted.
So here's a completely unscientific guide to marking an Oscar ballot.
Coincidentally, the missing Oscar ballots were found by the post office in a Bell processing center.
Score the foreign ballots like the other Oscar ballots.
Wilson's name could not appear on the Oscar ballot because he was blacklisted.
I dont think anyone placed an Oscar ballot for you.
To do that, they'll need to muster roughly 250 first-place votes, from a potential pool of about 5,800 Oscar ballots.
Those and other questions will be settled by the Oscar ballots, due on Friday.