Orthodox monks, who tend to be physically impressive, walk the poorly tended monastery grounds seemingly oblivious to the tourists and apparently focused on their spiritual affairs.
Orthodox monks and nuns throughout the world will often place an icon of the Theotokos Iverskaya on the monastery gates.
Orthodox monks accompanied by soldiers appear to forcibly baptize the population of the village.
Orthodox monks and nuns jostled for a place on stage as young men waved banners and shouted, "Long live the king!"
Orthodox monks and nuns lead identical spiritual lives.
He once entertained the possibility of becoming an Orthodox monk, but eventually fell in love with Princess Helen of Serbia.
'Many Orthodox monks came through Constantinople on pilgrimage even after the conquest,' Helen said finally.
It was the only album recorded with original guitarist Justin Marler, before he became an Orthodox monk.
Orig- inally an Orthodox monk, Levsky built a national resistance net- work.