The two were married in the Orchard House on May 23, 1860.
Josephine wants to go back to Orchard House now that she has read the books, and I have promised a return trip.
Orchard Houses can each house five to seven non-first-years.
Artistically gifted from an early age, she painted decorative figures and faces throughout Orchard House, the family home.
Several can also be seen at the Orchard House in Concord.
The Orchard House was the Alcott family's most permanent home, with the family living there from 1858 to 1877.
But at Orchard House, the old people were determined to make their views they came out to us:
Meanwhile the residents at Orchard House will continue their fight to stay put.
They purchased the home, which they named Orchard House, for $945 on September 22, 1857.
These contented residents at Orchard House can relax knowing that staff here have just won a major safety award.