Faced with those results, Johnson's opponents gave up and dismissed proceedings.
Opponents do not dismiss these benefits out of hand.
Opponents of the plant dismissed the report for being too easy on Indian Point.
Opponents of the new resolution dismiss its potential effect.
He gained another term following elections in December 2007 which opponents dismissed as a sham.
Beaton's claim was based on a version of the late king's will that his opponents dismissed as a forgery.
Opponents, though, have dismissed his ideas as a wish list that would require unlikely concessions from the power brokers in Albany.
Conservative opponents dismissed the leadership change as a gambit designed to dress up old policies in fresh wrapping.
In July, the commission of legislators made 38 amendments based on those recommendations, but opponents dismissed the revisions as inadequate.
Mr. Curry's three opponents see very little new in this and dismiss him as just another tax-and-spend liberal.