India has become the fastest-growing cellular market in the world, adding a net 5.9 million cellular subscribers in August, the Cellular Operators Association of India said this week.
The Cellular Operators Association of India, COAI, has instituted a study to understand the revenue implications of missed calls in India.
"Within the first two weeks of a disaster, people react and they cancel," said Mr. Whitley of the United States Tour Operators Association.
Lobbying clients include the Illinois Licensed Beverage Association and the Illinois Coin Machine Operators Association, the group that makes and distributes video poker machines.
Mr. Jackson received the contributions in late October after he addressed the annual convention of the National Black McDonald's Operators Association.
Mid-February - The Cellular Operators Association announces that the ownership of mobile phones in India rocketed by 75% in the previous year.
Lawyer Isn't Surprised The counsel to the New York City Newsstand Operators Association, Robert S. Bookman, said he was not surprised by this week's vote.
"By and large, there have been no cancellations of any significance at all," said Richard Tobias, chief executive of the British Incoming Tour Operators Association.
The Cellular Operators Association said it might appeal the decision.
On 17 April 1990 it became the Airport Operators Association.