The deception plan was called Operation Fortitude, and Double Cross also played a role.
With these new resources the department was able to put together the largest single segment of Bodyguard; Operation Fortitude.
Mike faked his own death and in 1944 is engaged in Operation Fortitude, a misinformation campaign.
He was then asked to write a history of deception in Western Europe, including the work up to and including Operation Fortitude.
What follows is the order of battle for the Fourteenth Army at one point during Operation Fortitude.
Because of this, Patton was made a central figure in Operation Fortitude in early 1944.
One of the historians, posing as a contemporary British soldier, has been assigned to assist with Operation Fortitude.
Faber discovers the true nature of Operation Fortitude and tries to get the information to his home country.
The 11th Infantry Division was 'reformed' for a third time in 1944 as part of Operation Fortitude.
Dummy tanks were used in Operation Fortitude prior to the landings at the Normandy Beaches.