Despite its successes, Operation Condor has been the focus of controversy.
Operation Condor represented more than 17 percent of overtime costs in the last fiscal year.
Court administrators say Operation Condor has only added to the strain.
Operation Condor, he said, has "been a good program; it's produced great results."
In the last fiscal year, Operation Condor accounted for more than 17 percent of the department's overtime budget.
The arrest warrant says that the so-called Operation Condor was one instrument of the crime.
Operation Condor has been the codename of a number of military operations:
Operation Condor is a $24 million initiative that pays for narcotics officers to work on their normal days off.
Relatives of victims of Operation Condor endorsed the court action.
Argentina has also begun an investigation into American support for and involvement in Operation Condor.