But Martin Smith, director of design for General Motors' Opel subsidiary in Germany, said it was time Jaguar moved on.
On November 3, 2009 General Motors announced that it would retain ownership of its Opel subsidiary .
In an extensive section, Black shows how General Motors from Detroit, operating through secret international executive committees, ramped up its Opel subsidiary.
The engine is used in Europe by GM's Opel subsidiary and by Honda.
General Motors' Opel subsidiary in Europe designed a compact V6 engine with an odd 54 vee angle.
The company's main customers include Volkswagen, Daimler-Benz and General Motors' Opel subsidiary.
"If Lopez stepped down, this could only be a first symbolic step toward a mutual agreement," a spokesman for G.M.'s Opel subsidiary said today.
It retained a commercial presence, however, in the form of its Opel subsidiary.
This, they said, they would use to begin auto production at an Opel subsidiary in Russian-occupied Leipzig.
Executives at General Motors' Opel subsidiary were startled to discover that industrial robots they bought in 1997 still had Year 2000 glitches.