But it wandered far from home and has been sighted in Onondaga County for several weeks.
Ulysses was organized in 1794 while still a part of Onondaga County.
Yet Onondaga County disenfranchises many of the 25,000 college students in the area.
The first was the splitting off in 1794 of Onondaga County.
The east town line is the border of Onondaga County.
Officials from Onondaga County said the nation had not been prominent among the region's environmental advocates.
In Onondaga County, as well, roughly half of the 54 cases have been linked to cocaine use.
The town was formed in 1794, while still part of Onondaga County.
The marriage certificate became the first catholic record in Onondaga County.
The first one of these, in 1794, produced Onondaga County.