The officer was taken to an onion field outside the city and shot to death.
On both sides, onion fields stretched into the distance.
"Did we just drive through an onion field?"
The onion fields that save Stanley and company from starvation also make the boys stink to high heaven.
Of these, the one he is applauded for is his 1979 true story film, The Onion Field.
No walks in onion fields at sunset here, he thought, drew a deep breath, and relaxed against the cushions of his chair for the first time.
The jury panel was taken to an onion field in Valencia to inspect it as a replica of the scene of the crime.
The Onion Field is another example.
Mr. Howard interrupted tractor-plowing an onion field to gaze at a towering derrick a few hundred yards away, where another gas well was being drilled.
But the suburbs are pushing their way into this town of "u-pick" apple orchards, black-dirt onion fields and green, sloping hills.