The 1973 Oldsmobile Delta 88 has appeared in almost all of the movies that Raimi has been involved with over his career.
I got, ah, at that point I was driving an Oldsmobile Delta 88.
In the accident, a runaway 1986 Oldsmobile Delta 88 plowed into customers outside a restaurant, running over five people, he said.
His brown, 1972 Oldsmobile Delta 88 was found near the edge of the Tennessee River in Knoxville Monday afternoon, the police said.
They quoted witnesses as saying the assailants escaped in a white Oldsmobile Delta 88.
Typically, complaints about sudden acceleration in General Motor's "H" body cars, which included the Oldsmobile Delta 88, come from people over 50.
By 1969 the manufacturing cost difference between an Impala and an Oldsmobile Delta 88 was only $70, where once it had been several times that.
Even though he does not agree with the change, Mr. Kwort's silver 1992 Oldsmobile Delta 88 now wears new plates.
The car model, a 1987 Oldsmobile Delta 88, was the subject of a two-year Federal safety investigation into possible accelerator and throttle defects.
My current ones are a '77 Chevy Caprice wagon and an '88 Oldsmobile Delta 88.