The great task force sortied once more from Ulithi 14 March to support the Okinawa operation, last stop on the island road to Japan.
At Ulithi, she began to prepare for the Okinawa operation.
After replenishing at Leyte, she sailed 27 March in the screen of an escort carrier group for the Okinawa operation.
With control of the Philippines secured, Haskell was next assigned to the giant Okinawa operation.
During the Okinawa operation Petrof Bays combat air patrol shot down 17 enemy aircraft.
Her last two war patrols were recognized with one battle star awarded for the Okinawa operation.
Goss continued her escort duties, next taking part in the Okinawa operations, last stop on the island road to Japan.
She took part in the Okinawa operations as a radar picket ship (16-25 May).
On 5 November, she arrived at Ulithi, where she remained until after Okinawa operations were well underway.
Hope sailed 9 April to take part in the Okinawa operation, arriving off the bitterly-contested island 4 days later.