He was selected as the first marshal of Ogden City.
By 1851 the community had grown to over 1,100 residents and became incorporated as Ogden City.
Its development has been coordinated and subsidized by Ogden City, in an effort to revitalize the city center for economic and cultural growth.
As an economic investment for Ogden City, The Junction has been highly controversial.
Ogden City paid for roof repairs, an alarm system and fluorescent lighting, and the restoration work was moved inside.
The station building was turned over to Ogden City on a 50-year lease in 1977 and renovations were begun to house the planned museums.
In 2006, Ogden City installed fluorescent lighting and an alarm system to the building, which up to that time had been vacant.
He was later elected mayor of Ogden City for seven two-year terms.
Ogden City, Utah, School District, $60 million of general obligation bonds.
The transfer of ownership was completed in 2003, giving the facility to Ogden City.