EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality spearheads a range of programs to reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from mobile sources.
This page is maintained by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ).
Updates from the Office of Transportation and Air Quality can be sent only by the EPA staff who manage the list.
Office of Transportation and Air Quality: To subscribe, send an email to: join-otaq-announce@lists.epa.gov and in the body of the message write "subscribe otaq-announce ".
This Web page provides general information about EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality: its mission, programs, and organizational structure.
This page lists Federal Register notices originated by the Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ).
Office of Transportation and Air Quality, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C.
A 46pp, 2MB Adobe Acrobat PDF document from the (Office of Transportation and Air Quality).
Office of Transportation and Air Quality.
This page contains information on mobile source emission factors research being conducted by EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality.