The Mayor's Office of Midtown Enforcement is cracking down on brothels in the Madison Square area.
Led by the Mayor's Office of Midtown Enforcement and fire officials, the inspections were made by police, buildings, health and fire officials.
Robert Sacklow, the inexhaustible buildings inspector for the Office of Midtown Enforcement, calls the merchandise "Spanish Popeye."
"I've never seen a company flagrantly violate the law on this scale," said Karen Mark, community liaison for the Mayor's Office of Midtown Enforcement.
Another community organization, the 34th Street Partnership, complained to the city's Office of Midtown Enforcement, because the maximum size for signs in this location is 200 square feet.
William H. Daly, director of the Mayor's Office of Midtown Enforcement, acknowledged that seven to nine shops conformed to the 1995 law.
Similarly, a call to the Mayor's Office of Midtown Enforcement, which was referred to the City Hall press office, went unreturned.
While there are no citywide statistics, the Mayor's Office of Midtown Enforcement counted 58 "adult" businesses between 30th and 60th Streets in Manhattan alone last year.
"I think it's probably worse this year," said William H. Daly, director of the Mayor's Office of Midtown Enforcement.
They in turn recommended him to the Mayor's Office of Midtown Enforcement, an anti-vice agency.