Their math was vindicated by the Office of Fiscal Analysis, a nonpartisan legislative unit, that used slightly different increases and determined the cost at about $485 million.
The Office of Fiscal Analysis also projected small budget deficits for this year and next.
Ms. Wyman's projections were echoed roughly by the Office of Fiscal Analysis, the nonpartisan legislative budget office.
State lawmakers thought the measure would save about $54 million, but the state's Office of Fiscal Analysis recently reported that the real savings was only $22 million.
Although he would not speculate on what that number would be, the legislature's Office of Fiscal Analysis has put it at $632 million.
Source: Connecticut Legislature's Office of Fiscal Analysis) (pg.
Also, the legislature's Office of Fiscal Analysis estimates that interest on the bonds will cost $212 million over 30 years.
A recent report by the Legislature's Office of Fiscal Analysis, he noted, projects a $317 million budget deficit for the 1994 fiscal year.
Three weeks, ago, the General Assembly's Office of Fiscal Analysis estimated that the 1991-92 budget gap would be $1.5 billion.
The Office of Fiscal Analysis, an agency of the General Assembly, is predicting a $48.2 million deficit.