In the latter part of the story, the monster and Dymer are involved in an Oedipal struggle, and the father is killed.
Silicon Valley has developed a new twist to the old Oedipal struggle.
It was no Oedipal struggle.
What comes through vividly in Horowitz's memoirs is a fierce Oedipal struggle entwined with radicalism.
Freud, caught in his own Oedipal struggles, saw the unconscious as roiling with sexual and aggressive impulses.
Having no father I tried to capitalise (on his absence), resolve the Oedipal struggle,(create) good feelings.
Whether there can be a true 'Oedipal struggle' with a very sick, and then absent, father is a mute point.
So it's all these gender struggles, family struggles, Oedipal struggles.
Directing a major play is a kind of Oedipal struggle, I suppose.
Today his Oedipal struggle with the ideals of his forebears seems more quaint than shocking.