As the Oct. 1 deadline loomed, pressure mounted on many to leave.
The program is already far behind the Oct. 28 deadline set by law for publishing the regulations.
Two more rounds of talks are scheduled before the Oct. 10 deadline.
Congress failed to pass the bills by the Oct. 1 deadline because of political and policy disputes.
The institute expects to receive at least 200 entries by the Oct. 14 deadline.
However, market participants said they were not optimistic that the Oct. 19 deadline for producing a budget would be met.
What happens to those who do not turn one in to their employer by the Oct. 1 deadline?
By the Oct. 22 deadline, just under 8,000 scripts had been received.
Professional political organizers are not so sure the drive will succeed, given the Oct. 24 deadline.
He set an Oct. 30 deadline for the two sides to try to reach an agreement.