Little educational advancement for the poverty-stricken students of Ocean Hill-Brownsville could be achieved without additional resources, which were not provided.
He sent her into Ocean Hill-Brownsville at the beginning of the strike "to provide a union presence," she recalled in an interview.
Compared with the 1990 census, Ocean Hill-Brownsville, for example, lost 22 percent of its white population.
Ocean Hill-Brownsville, with 589, has the smallest percentage.
One of the mothers in Ocean Hill-Brownsville said to me, "If you want a good laugh, go to a board meeting."
The estimated $40 million it cost to build the jail, they have said, would have been better spent on a high school for Ocean Hill-Brownsville.
Other parents sent their children to Ocean Hill-Brownsville because the schools there were operational.
The conflict at Ocean Hill-Brownsville smoldered after the end of the strike.
Her own vague impression of Ocean Hill-Brownsville has undergone a shift since she moved in a year ago.
Likewise, schools in Brooklyn's Ocean Hill-Brownsville became a battleground between the teachers' union and forces demanding community control.