And there was one handmade sign waving repeatedly in the stands, "Free Drinks at the Ocean Club."
Ocean Club - beachwear and towels (seasonal lines)
Their first performance was at the Ocean Club in Cocoa Beach, Florida, in late 1986.
Out on the beach, there's the Ocean Club, with a pool and tentlike cabanas, but no rooms.
Maybe the Bahamas and the One & Only Ocean Club?
The Ocean Club For many, summer at the beach is one big party.
A shuttle runs between the Ocean Club and the Atlantis.
Next door, at the exclusive One&Only Ocean Club, not a blade of grass seemed out of place.
"The Ocean Club is lovely and civilized, with wonderful service," she said.
A 4,000-square-foot penthouse in the Ocean Club on the boardwalk is on the market for $3.5 million.