NY 40 turned north here, following 15th Street to Oakwood Avenue, where the route joined its modern routing.
The campus' earliest buildings are clustered around a central, landscaped oval and near Oakwood Avenue, which runs east to west past the school.
It jogged westward along the city limits to Oakwood Avenue.
Cherokee Records was a record label located at 1717 Oakwood Avenue in Huntsville, Alabama in the late 1950s.
The design is very similar to an 1875 wood house at 304 Oakwood Avenue which was constructed by the same builder.
In 1972, the studios were moved to the 2nd floor of the Culbro Building at 630 Oakwood Avenue in West Hartford.
Bayport $180,000 60 Oakwood Avenue 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 110-year-old colonial; fireplace, basement, wraparound porch, barn, 1 acre; taxes $3,700.
Some of the residents eastern residents (east of Oakwood Avenue) also extend into Ward 21: St. Paul's.
The section north of Davenport was eventually renamed to Oakwood Avenue, and the street currently ends at Davenport.
Routes 40 and 142 have a short concurrency before Route 40 turns southward along Oakwood Avenue towards downtown Troy.