Another norwegian production was staged in Lillestrøm in early 2007 for a limited run.
Each episode is 30 minutes, of which 15-20 are from the Norwegian production and 10-15 is dubbed from Sesame Street.
For the first time, both the opening and the closing film was a Norwegian production.
Norwegian production, however, fell two percent in April to around 2.49 million barrels per day, figures at the GNI trade house showed.
The show is considered TV3s most successful Norwegian production.
TV1 failed mostly due to spending huge amounts of money on Norwegian productions without having the network to spread these broadcasts into most people's homes.
Several British CGI studios were involved in the production of Free Jimmy, although the film was mostly a Norwegian production.
Transiteatret was with "Die Maßnahme" the first appearance of a Norwegian production at the legendary Salzburg Festival 2008.
A Norwegian production premiered in 20 September 2012 at Folketeatret in Oslo and runs through 15 December.