At the time, bands with a style similar to Norwegian black metal, but without Satanic lyrics, tended to use other terms for their music.
Some of the original Norwegian black metal musicians believe that black metal does not need to hold any ideologies.
There was a strong rivalry between Norwegian black metal and Swedish death metal scenes.
Fenriz now claims to be apolitical, remaining non-partisan towards the events of early Norwegian black metal.
"Cassandra" is a 1998 single by Norwegian metal band Theatre of Tragedy.
Many recall a strong rivalry between Norwegian black metal and Scandinavian death metal scenes.
I, on the other hand, spend December humming Norwegian Black Metal and burning down churches during carol services.
Norwegian black metal band Mayhem recorded their 1993 live album at the Eiskeller club on 26 November 1990.
Norwegian black metal has and always had a special sound, and as it keeps on being innovative and new, it sells quite well around the world.
If you wanted Norwegian black metal, you could find it, and only it, and the same applied to a massive proliferation of sub genres.