Nearly three years ago, the Norwegian prime minister offered his apologies to the German children for the treatment they received at the hands of authorities.
He will also see Saudi, Kuwaiti and Norwegian ministers in coming days.
His most significant achievement was as Norwegian foreign minister between 1973 and 1981, and again between 1986 and 1987.
He was the Norwegian foreign minister from 1946 till 1965, except for a month in 1963 during the administration of John Lyng.
It also confirmed the practice of treating questions of foreign policy in the Swedish cabinet, with the Norwegian prime minister present.
A Norwegian minister, Jan Hoifoedt, informed the group waiting at the airport of the crash.
Hieronymus Heyerdahl (1773-1847) was a Norwegian minister and politician.
He was later Norwegian Minister of Transport from 1965 to 1971 during the cabinet Borten.
In February 1961 he was reshuffled to become Norwegian Minister of Defence.
Through the Swedish and Norwegian minister he got a couple of good patients the next day, and also good letters of recommendation to several physicians.