Hengshui Normal College was known as an example of mid-1980s medium density architecture.
In 1878, the institution changed its name to Livingston Normal College.
The Normal College presented its first diplomas at the 1886 commencement exercises.
In 1873, having first worked as a pupil teacher, he became a student at Bangor Normal College.
Xinmin Normal College was established in 1906 and is older than the university itself.
Its success prompted the opening of the Normal College for women in 1870, preparing students to become teachers.
There were two school years, 1950-52, in which it offered a complete secondary course plus a first year of Junior Normal College.
In 1873 he entered Michigan Normal College, then graduated at the age of 19.
In its first session, Mississippi Normal College had a total enrollment of 876 students.
The request was denied because the politicians did not want to take money away from the State Normal College.