Norm Lewis (born June 2, 1963) is a Tony Award nominated, American actor and baritone singer.
Norm Lewis as Senator Edison Davis, who had a relationship with Olivia years before the series.
Other major parts will be taken by the Broadway veterans Norm Lewis, Joel Blum and Alix Korey.
Oh, yes, there's also that hunky prizefighter (Norm Lewis) and his curvaceous mistress (Leah Hocking).
Norm Lewis, Broadway actor and singer, covered the song on his 2008 debut solo album This Is the Life.
"Marry Me a Little," ending the first act in this production, is superbly sung by Norm Lewis as Bobby.
As Nick, Norm Lewis moves from macho bravado to growing frustration and loss.
And Norm Lewis will sing "You'll Never Walk Alone" from "Carousel."
Jeff McCarthy, Norm Lewis and Ken Jennings are all excellent in supporting roles.
And if Norm Lewis is a vocally underpowered Porgy, he brings earnestness and grace to the role.