Her thesis dealt with the work of William Morris, in particular the part concerning Nordic literature.
Gwyn Jones (24 May 1907 - 6 December 1999) was a Welsh novelist and story writer, and a scholar and translator of Nordic literature and history.
Jofur (from Old Norse Jöfurr: "wild boar") is a name used in Nordic literature for the thunder god, mainly as a synonym for Jupiter.
At the time of their publication, the Norrœna Library was the largest collection of medieval Nordic literature published outside of Scandinavia.
Beyer was appointed professor in Nordic literature at the University of Oslo in 1958, succeeding Francis Bull.
The shop, Gellar informed Bolan, had produced much of the Nordic Temple's literature in recent years, along with various pamphlets and posters for the closely allied Thunderbolt Brigade.
Her father was a teacher of Nordic literature and her mother was a writer.
Later on he took an MA in Comparative Literature from the University of Copenhagen with a focus on Nordic, German and French literature.
Scandinavia literature or Nordic literature is the literature in the languages of the Nordic countries of Northern Europe.
Bull was appointed professor in Nordic literature at the University of Oslo in 1920, succeeding the aging Gerhard Gran.