Noble Street runs through downtown, lined with office buildings, specialty shops, and restaurants.
It had a small churchyard, and owned another piece of land for burials in Noble Street, which was known as the "anatomizer's ground".
The site is now a garden, at the end of Noble Street.
The ruined warehouses face each other across the brick-paved block of Noble Street like forts from a cannon battle that neither side won.
It runs parallel to and two blocks east of Noble Street.
At Hamilton Street, the tracks veered east along Noble Street.
"It was like a flamethrower," said John Czaplinski, who lives nearby on Noble Street.
A short while later, the facade of a different wall first buckled, then caved outward, collapsing onto Noble Street.
At Noble Street, the panels were replaced by etched glass panels.
Golfers play at the Anglesea Golf Club on Noble Street.