Interestingly, he easily remembers the details of the research on Nobel prize-winning scientists by his wife and colleague, Harriet Zuckerman.
This book is noteworthy for its breadth and depth of endorsements; it includes six Nobel Prize-winning scientists.
Over seventy Nobel Prize-winning scientists have urged that the state law be removed.
Now he was ferrying a kidnapped woman, a Nobel scientist, for the lord's sweet sake!
He stated that he does not expect China to produce a Nobel Prize-winning scientist for the next ten or more years.
The company's advisory board includes two Nobel prize-winning scientists.
A balanced life of the Nobel Prize-winning scientist.
Israel has produced six Nobel Prize-winning scientists since 2002 and publishes among the most scientific papers per capita of any country in the world.
Some of his agenda seems to have been selected with an eye to the shock value of adopting beliefs untypical of Nobel prize-winning scientists.
Or, 'my father was a Nobel prize-winning scientist, killed by evil government agents who wanted to halt his impending discovery of world peace.'