In the late 1950s Project Nike antiaircaft missiles were based there.
The Launch Area provided for the maintenance, storage, testing, and firing of the Nike missiles.
"Nike antiaircraft missiles move like boats on water, " I explained.
But it's not my first nuclear weapon; no, the Nike missile over there, on the trailer, in front of the armored tank; you see it?
When he told them a Nike missile, one of the cops said, 'You've got to be kidding.'
A. Everything from cannonballs to a Nike missile.
Later, Nike missiles were installed nearby, directed by personnel stationed here.
During the mid-1950s the 90 MM guns were replaced with Nike missiles.
The fort has a Nike missile, stripped of its warhead, as an ornament near the park entrance.
The Army tested weapons here from 1878 to 1919, and installed Nike missiles in the 1950's.