Nutricima is developing a portfolio of branded milk powder-based products for the Nigerian market.
Virgin even accepted an order to manufacture a consignment of eight-track tapes, long redundant in Britain, specifically for the Nigerian market.
It operates as a universal bank, providing wholesale, retail, corporate, investment and transaction banking services to its customers in the Nigerian market.
He was holding a straw hat, something he must have bought in a Nigerian market.
Larger smoked fish called banda were generally exported to the major Nigerian market of Maiduguri.
So if someone did grab my watch in a Nigerian market, I would try not to notice.
Open Buy Back is only used in the Nigerian financial markets.
The company was producing about 50,000 tons of sugar annually, supplying the Nigerian market which consumes 1.1 millions tons each year.
FES was initially introduced into the Nigerian market through importation in the 1940s.
Statistical guide to the Nigerian market (1978)