She helped negotiate Nigerian independence from Britain and is said to have been the first Nigerian woman to drive a car.
The present crisis started" with Nigerian independence in 1960, but the federated parliament hid "serious internal strains.
I was told I was born the year before Nigerian independence, which was in 1960.
Eyo Ita from Calabar was one of the pioneer nationalists for Nigerian independence.
In 1967, not long after Nigerian independence from the British, the region became known as the Northwestern State.
Upon his return to NIgeria in 1957, Otegbeye participated in the struggle for Nigerian independence.
Nnamdi Azikiwe is the father of Nigerian independence.
The Carter Bridge was originally constructed by the British colonial government, prior to Nigerian independence in 1960.
After Nigerian independence in 1960, Borno remained fairly autonomous until the expansion of the number of states in Nigeria to 12 in 1967.
He chose the 35th anniversary of Nigerian independence to announce on Sunday that black Africa's most populous country is somehow still not ready for self-government.