Tom Werner, the chairman, is in television production and lives on Nielsen numbers.
According to the Nielsen numbers, adding these viewers increased Studio 60s ratings the most in percentage terms of all network shows.
Final Nielsen numbers will be issued later this week.
And the best sports tale told by Nielsen numbers is about Tiger Woods.
The television ratings were low: the Nielsen number was 7.7, which translates into about 7.3 million households tuned in to the show nationwide.
But the Nielsen numbers, Univision officials say, have not kept up with the demographic changes.
One activity not captured by these Nielsen numbers is videocassette viewing.
But it is those very procedures that continue to inspire the protests from many of those compelled to do business with the Nielsen numbers.
The problem with Nielsen numbers is they measure the program, not the commercial audience.
They see votes in kids as rapaciously as cable news operations see Nielsen numbers.