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The group became a major relief organization with principal operations based in Honduras along the Nicaraguan border.
It allegedly contained a list of 15 receipts, dated 24 July, and references to a meeting near Nicaraguan border.
This small village is located close to the Nicaraguan border.
Investigators sent by a local prosecutor found the skeletal remains of about 10 people in a dense jungle near the Nicaraguan border.
For the last 10 years, he has owned a farm right in Costa Rica along the Nicaraguan border.
Nobody in Carlinville heard of him again, until the news early this morning that his plane had been forced down just inside the Nicaraguan border.
Some of the facilities that are being improved are close to the Nicaraguan border.
The landing field was completed early last year in an isolated mountain valley on the Pacific coast near the Nicaraguan border.
Sandinistas, maybe; we're only a few klicks from the Nicaraguan border.
If they were only a few kilometers from the Nicaraguan border, then Limon was roughly a hundred miles away.