In addition he was a longstanding proud member of the New York Friars Club.
"I'm in the Freddie Roman posse," said Susie Essman, who has been a member of the New York Friars Club since 1995.
And he could always find an appreciative audience at the New York Friars Club or anywhere else comedians congregated.
From his table in the New York Friars Club, Freddie Roman, the club's tanned, friendly "dean," flags down a waitress.
The 9th Annual Luncheon, to be held on June 15, 2012 at the New York Friars Club will honor Joel Grey.
He was also a member of the New York Friars Club and had been past commander of American Legion Post Number 77 in Paterson.
The head of the New York Friars Club apologized yesterday for racial jokes made on Friday at a celebrity roast of Whoopi Goldberg.
The Officers, Governors and Members of The New York Friars Club deeply mourn the loss of their beloved member, Bob Hope.
The Officers, Governors and Members of the New York Friars Club deeply mourn the loss of their beloved Prior, Joseph Cates.
"Naps were very important," added Mr. Roman, who is the dean, or president, of the New York Friars Club.