Having sold that company he served as a director of software engineering for Netscape Communications.
So: Here's to Netscape Communications, an Internet venture which rose 167 percent during its first day.
Phenomenal is certainly the word for stocks like Netscape Communications.
A number of companies - including Netscape Communications and some big traditional media players - are looking to build or buy their own Internet search services.
The company was sold to Netscape Communications on April 25, 1996.
Still, it is the growth of software companies like Netscape Communications and Oracle that suggests the region's new structure.
Fueling much of the boom was the stampede into Netscape Communications' shares, which soared 20, to 131.
Some investors believe Netscape Communications could become "the next Microsoft."
Once again, America Online's acquisition of Netscape Communications worked its way into the trial.
Your broker forgot to call last month when Netscape Communications, one of the year's big success stories, went public?