Negro slavery was also permitted in the territory, but the pioneers had passed no similar rules about the treatment of blacks.
First was the very existence of Negro slavery.
Others, however, will judge your republic a sham, with its freedom for white men based upon Negro slavery, a notion loathsome to the civilized world.
The story of the latter is a natural and almost unavoidable consequence of that foul contagion in the human character, Negro slavery.
"Negro slavery is a misfortune to agriculture, incapable of removal, and only within the reach of palliation."
Jefferson was "one of the first statesmen in any part of the world to advocate concrete measures for restricting and eradicating Negro slavery."
Englishmen could always apply a degree of moral superiority, when necessary, to the upstarts across the Atlantic, by condemning Negro slavery.
Excerpts from his "Law of Negro Slavery," a detailed defense of human chattel, are often required reading in social studies classes across the country.
Zachary Macaulay's 1823 pamphlet,Negro Slavery, was a good example.
King Carter in fact had greatly expanded Negro slavery in Virginia, purchasing many off ships and owning more than a thousand slaves upon his death.