Why else would white folks want to hide out in a respectable Negro community?
Is there some head of the Chinese Negro community?
Even at that time," he continues, "the Negro community in Baltimore numbered much more than 100,000 people, yet it got next to no serious notice.
There is no one response in the Negro community - how could there be?
"There is just something about the pastime of skiing that doesn't appeal to the Negro community."
They are already respected among the Negro community and able to funnel aid and monies to individuals in need.
Junior assumed the dead girl had come from a family of stature in the Negro community, which would explain the stonecarver's accelerated service.
A music tradition was deeply rooted in the Negro community.
"There's enough resentment of the Negro community without something as bla-this going on."
It called Payton "the father of his Negro community."