We apply these principles to a Nebraska law banning "partial birth abortion."
Supporters of abortion rights have criticized the Nebraska law as being so broad that it would outlaw virtually all abortions.
The decision declared unconstitutional the Nebraska law before the court and, in effect, the laws of 30 other states.
In striking down the Nebraska law, the majority went further than the federal appeals court whose decision the court upheld today.
Under Nebraska law, it is classified as a school district.
By a 5-4 majority, the Nebraska law was struck down, as were all other state laws banning partial-birth abortion.
In 2000, the court struck down a nearly identical Nebraska law for essentially two reasons.
In 2000, Justice Kennedy joined those who would have upheld the Nebraska law.
At other times, the chief justice appeared eager to find differences between the federal law and the Nebraska law.
Nebraska law did not allow it, he was informed.