Hitler was followed by director Leni Riefenstahl who came a day later, ordered to film the Nazi German victory over Poland.
After they had reset events to avoid a Nazi victory in World War II, the Guardian had returned the three of them to their own time.
Relations remained sour until 1941, when the threat of a Nazi victory threw Russia and Britain towards each other.
Nazi victories lent themselves easily to propaganda broadcasts and were at this point difficult to mishandle.
In some of these cases, however, the Nazi victory was itself the result of interference by time travelers:
In others, such as After Dachau, the scenario of a Nazi victory is used as a means to convey the writer's more general political and philosophical ideas.
Some were nationalists who hoped that a Nazi victory might guarantee Lithuanian independence.
But the churches continued to greet Nazi victories by ringing their bells, until they were taken away to be melted down for the war-effort.
Fatherland (1992) by Robert Harris, is set in Europe following the Nazi victory.
The Nazi victory in 1933 forced Kristeller to move to Italy.