During the next 18 months, he said he spent most of his time at a Nazi prisoner of war camp near Chelm in Poland.
There, he flew 55 combat missions in P-47 Thunderbolt aircraft before being shot down and serving six months as a Nazi German prisoner of war.
Black soldiers had to sometimes give up their seats in trains to the Nazi prisoners of war.
Interrogators obtained Nazi prisoners' confessions of war crimes through the use of torture.
They got to the farm and without a struggle took the Nazi prisoner.
The film The Boys of Buchenwald examines their efforts to re-join society after their experience as Nazi prisoners.
So you've been annoying the Nazi prisoners in that Adirondack hotel.
Committed groups of Nazi prisoners continued to exist despite American attempts to identify and separate them.
In addition, bishop Nykanor was Nazi prisoner from 1942 to 1943.
He spent long hours with his staff planning every last detail of the Nazi prisoners' life.