There must be millions of people in America who would gladly staff a Nazi prison.
Serving as a Nazi prison for a short while, it was later partially demolished.
Fort de Romainville, a Nazi prison in the outskirts of Paris, was liberated.
Many of the old regime, including Erich Honecker, were in Nazi prisons.
Fort de Romainville was a Nazi prison and transit camp, located in the outskirts of Paris.
He was imprisoned in a Nazi prison from November 1944 to February 1945.
When Joseph Balicki escaped from his Nazi prison, it took him four and a half weeks to walk back to Warsaw.
Altogether, before being finally liberated by the arrival of Allied forces, he had passed through no less than seven Nazi prisons and camps.
She wrote and distributed leaflets protesting torture in Nazi prisons.
He died in 1945 in Nazi German prison.