There was Nazi influence in certain parts of the country, but Jewish migration from Europe during the war continued.
In 1933 the Nazi influence removed his name from the official State register together with the right to exhibit.
Public life as well as individual affairs were increasingly affected by Nazi influences.
Stensaker tried to remain in his post in order to limit Nazi influence and nazification of the city, but found himself in a difficult situation.
The Nazi influence behind Heiter led to the use of classical music when the doctor is "training" his centipede.
Even at the height of the Nazi influence in Kabul of the 1930s.
In 1932 he was convicted for a second time, but the sentence was suspended, perhaps as a precaution against the buildup of Nazi influence.
Then we deal with development of policies toward Jews in countries under Nazi influence.
The resulting Nazi influence was not going to be forfeited once given power.
"The Europeans still resist Nazi influences, and we still have a resistant attitude toward the Japanese," he said the other day in his office.