The Nazi history of the University is being researched only now.
Part of the shock over the book comes from Austria's weak teaching of its own Nazi history.
She fired up her grandson with Nazi history and conspiracy theories.
Nevertheless this is an area of Nazi history that is still in its early stages and debatable, as such is requires in-depth analysis and research.
The details of this extraordinary life have been well known to consumers of Nazi history.
Like much of what the Germans do with their past, the exhibition is open to the criticism of seeking to "relativize" Nazi history.
For decades, German educators and politicians have tried to drum home the message that Germany's Nazi history must never be repeated.
It also serves as a potent visual metaphor for the collective German will to obscure its Nazi history.
"All of these remarks of Haider, which remember the Nazi history, are a wonderful instrument to distract attention from this fact."