Earth-10 is home to the JLAxis, which consists of Nazi counterparts of the Justice League, who combat an alternate version of the Freedom Fighters.
His mission: to duplicate whatever it was his Nazi counterparts were doing.
Brian also encountered and fought his other-dimensional Nazi counterpart Hauptmann Englande.
They even looked like their Nazi counterparts now.
The number and types of Japanese who formed relationships with U.S. intelligence differ from their Nazi counterparts.
Franz Altmüller - the vicious Nazi counterpart to Swanson.
Yet, as Applebaum shows, the Soviet killing machine was certainly equal to its Nazi counterpart.
She sees the Iron Guard, Romania's main fascist group, as an autonomous development, largely independent from its Italian fascist or Nazi counterparts, but dependent on its contacts with the local middle class, bureaucracy and intelligentsia.
Meanwhile, the Nazi counterparts of Callisto and Moira appeared on the mainstream Earth.