The Navy will retire an aircraft carrier, accelerate the retirement of old destroyers and transfer 10 frigates from the active to the reserve forces.
The Russian Navy retired its last Foxtrots between 1995 and 2000, units were scrapped and disposed of for museum purposes.
Between 1996 and 2005 the Navy retired 21 ships.
Under this option, the Navy would build 48 fewer ships and retire 37 more ships than now scheduled.
There was no interest from airlines in using the Constitutions (the airline version was named the Model 189), so the Navy retired both aircraft in 1953.
After he was cured, the Navy retired him from active duty.
There'll be more days like this before the Navy retires them, but we both deserve a drink.
Under the proposal, the Navy would retire the carrier John F. Kennedy - one of the oldest carriers in the fleet, having first been deployed in 1968 - next year.
While Admiral Boorda did not give a specific number, he said the Navy should not retire some frigates and should "hover around" 346 ships.
Likewise, he argues that the Navy has retired aging, though still usable attack submarines to make room for fewer, more expensive versions.