His opinion, after the captain was found to be sane by three Navy psychiatrists, is that Maryk was legally unjustified in relieving Queeg.
Three Navy psychiatrists of the San Francisco hospital, who had examined Queeg for weeks, were ready to testify in court that he was a sane, normal, intelligent man.
Capt. William Nash, a Navy psychiatrist, sat on an overturned box of ready-made meals for the troops.
"I'm only old Samuel Johnson," he told a Navy psychiatrist; elsewhere, he compared himself to Dostoyevsky, Joyce and Mann.
"They are scraping to get people to go back, and people are worn out," said Dr. Thomas Grieger, a senior Navy psychiatrist.
The movie dramatizes his struggle, with the help of a Navy psychiatrist (played by Mr. Washington), to address the wounds of his past.
Days later, a Navy forensic psychiatrist arrived at Guantánamo, followed by three experts from a Bureau of Prisons medical center in Missouri.
His Navy psychiatrist was one such person, he said, and Mr. Washington another.
The defense continued a few more days with testimony from a Navy psychiatrist who verified that the immense explosion would generate fear in each man.
The report was written with Kenneth E. Karols, a Navy psychiatrist and surgeon.