"The Navy pays staggering premiums, but our families are well provided for if there's an accident."
I got all those gorgeous new toys to play with, and the Navy actually pays me to do it!
The Navy then paid $20,000 in 1945 to turn it back into a functioning campus building.
But the Navy paid for unlimited color film, and lab processing costs, for their students.
I'll get two years of college credit from my service classes, and the Navy will pay for two more years later.
In addition to tuition, the Navy pays a monthly stipend during the school year.
The Navy has paid claims of about $5,000.
He was returned to American custody only after the Navy paid more than $80,000 to the affected family.
The Navy has long underfunded mine warfare and now pays the price.
He came aboard to be sure that we were getting what the Navy was paying for.