The Navy created a military decoration known as the NC-4 Medal.
At around the same time however, the Navy created a new "monitor office" to centralize oversight of the new monitor program.
The Navy is not creating additional battle groups.
As a result, the Navy created the "B" series with new enlisted numbers ranging from 10,001 to 99,999.
It has sonar equipment that will enable the Navy to create a three-dimensional map of the ocean floor and objects resting on it.
The Navy are creating about something.
The Navy said the span would ruin historic buildings and would create noise and vibration problems.
The Navy as a whole created its.
At his request, in 1931 the Navy created courses for improving the instruction of non-commissioned officers in the naval reserve.
The Navy created such possibly for public relations, as a deterrent, or as real tools of diplomatic/economic policy.