By the end of the war, the Indian Navy controlled the seas around both the wings of Pakistan.
Given the short period the Navy controlled her and the ending of the war just under five weeks after her acquisition, it is possible that she never was commissioned.
The Navy also controls the Egyptian Coast Guard.
The Korean People's Navy controlled a very small force of around 50 or 60 ships, all of which were small ships.
The Navy also controlled the ports.
Navy controlled the trophy from 2003 to 2009, marking one of the longest times any academy has had possession of the prestigious trophy.
With the gradual recovery of the shrike population on San Clemente Island, the Navy no longer controls the foxes.
At the end of the First World War he made a serious attempt to have the Navy permanently control all radio transmitters in the United States.
The Navy controls two-thirds of its 33,000 acres.
The Navy controls two-thirds of Vieques, the east and the west, behind razor-wire-topped cyclone fences and a phalanx of flak-jacketed guards.